Contact Us Today at (682) 382-3342
614 E Bailey Boswell Rd Saginaw, TX 76131
Addiction is both brutal and destructive. It is a chronic brain disease. As soon as you realize that and that you can’t beat this on your own, you will have taken the first step in recovery. What you need now more than ever is a constructive, effective, and personalized addiction treatment program that will be comprehensively altered to help you overcome this disorder for good. Sutton Recovery can provide this. Read on to see how our addiction treatment center in Saginaw, Texas can customize your program with the help of our structured template.
Managed Detox
After you eliminate any trace of denial, you will begin treatment at our Saginaw drug detox clinic in order to facilitate the process of withdrawals. We must watch over this stage carefully in order to make sure that you are not only comfortable and safe, but that it establishes the clean foundation for you to base your mental and long-term recovery. Once you get through detox, you will move on to therapies.
Single Therapy
Then, you will come to individual therapy sessions that will begin the stage of analyzing your addiction and mental health. The therapist will listen to your struggles and provide the advice you need to sustain sobriety. This will include dual diagnosis mental health screening and necessary treatment. Around half the people struggling with addiction are also going through a mental health issue. It is imperative that we take a holistic look at your condition to get the treatment for mental health that you need and work towards sustaining sobriety.
Group Sessions
Once you have become comfortable sharing your thoughts and feelings in private, you will begin doing so with a group. Don’t worry, this is one of the most beneficial and effective methods at our Saginaw addiction treatment clinic. Listening to others’ troubles, sharing your own, and exchanging helpful advice and insight will provide motivation and inspiration that will help you get through cravings and triggers. The empathy in these rooms is remarkable. You can come see what true support feels like.
Aftercare Services
Finally, you will leave with the support of everyone you’ve met and the guidance of your personalized treatment plan. You don’t have to do any of this alone. At Sutton Recovery and our drug rehab center in Saginaw, you will always have the help you need and the care you deserve. To get started, call our professionals as soon as you can and we will begin setting up an appointment for a free consultation at our addiction recovery facility in Saginaw, Texas. You won’t regret it.